Sunday, June 3, 2012

  • Citation: This zone is also known as the middle ocean zone. It is too dark for plants to grow. 
  • Sharks and other streamlined fish are able to swim to these depths to hunt. Animals in this zone
  •  survive by eating each other and scavenging dead animals.The animals are the Ham merhead
  •   Shark, Giant Squid, Gulper Eel, Crustacean, Luminous Prawn, Lantern Fish, Headlamp Fish and Sea Spider.
  • Source: "Ocean Facts." ThinkQuest : Library. n.p., n.d. Web. 10 May 2012. 

  • Citation: This zone is known as the deep ocean sea. This area is pitch black. Food is scarce in 
  • these depths. The fish of this zone have weak, soft bodies.The animals are the Hatchetfish, 
  • Deep-sea Anglerfish, Oarfish, Squid, Viperfish and Sperm Whales

  • Citation: Most of the abyssal floor is made of thick sediments; in northern and southern 
  • latitudes sediments are around 500 feet thick, and near the equator they are around 1,700 feet 
  • thick. Since there's also very little oxygen, the sediments are made up primarily of anerobic 
  • bacteria. Everything in the abyssal biome also decays slowly
  • Source: "The Benthic Ocean Environment." Find Science & Technology Articles, Education Lesson Plans, Tech Tips, Computer Hardware & Software Reviews, News and More at Bright Hub. n.p., n.d. Web. 10 May 2012.

  • Citation: Abyssal food chains begin with phytoplankton detritus, fecal mattter and organic 
  • debris, rather than with living producers. Since there's no light, there aren't any photosynthetic 
  • producers.
  • Source: "The Benthic Ocean Environment." Find Science & Technology Articles, Education Lesson Plans, Tech Tips, Computer Hardware & Software Reviews, News and More at Bright Hub. n.p., n.d. Web. 10 May 2012.

  • Citation: At the ocean's deepest point, the water pressure is the equivalent of having about 50 
  • jumbo jets piled on top of you. Yet even here life thrives, according to scientists who have 
  • pulled a plug of dirt from the seafloor
  • Source: "Thursday, October 28, 2010." Daily Nature and Science News and Headlines | National Geographic News. n.p., n.d. Web. 31 May 2012..

  • Citation: The only food, with the exception of a dead whale, cold water reefs and a few other 
  • sources, is what falls down from above.
  • Source: "The Benthic Ocean Environment." Find Science & Technology Articles, Education Lesson Plans, Tech Tips, Computer Hardware & Software Reviews, News and More at Bright Hub. n.p., n.d. Web. 31 May 2012. ht tp://

  • Citation: The sample was taken from the Challenger Deep, which is nearly 7 miles (11 
  • kilometers) deep. The soil was packed with a unique community of mostly soft-walled, 
  • singled-celled organisms that are thought to resemble some of the world's earliest life forms.

  • Citation: There is a huge thriving ecosystem in the hydrated oceanic crust which is one of the 
  • largest in the world and virtually unknown. This giant ecosystem probably plays an important 
  • role today and in addition, could host the first forms of life

Humans have explored less than 2% of the ocean floor, and dozens of new species of deep sea creatures are discovered with every dive. The submarine DSV Alvin—owned by the US Navy and operated by the Woods Hold Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) in Woods Hole, Massachusetts—exemplifies the type of craft used to explore deep water. This 16 ton submarine can withstand extreme pressure and is easily maneuverable despite its weight and size.However, studying deep sea creatures is problematic, since with the extreme change in pressure, and environment in general, these creatures can't survive for very long, if at all, on the surface. This makes in depth research difficult because so much of what we want to know about only occurs while the creature is alive. Recent developments have allowed scientists to look at these creatures more closely, and for a longer time. A marine biologist, Jeffery Drazen, has explored a solution, a pressurized fish trap. This captures a deep-water creature, and adjusts its internal pressure slowly to surface level as the creature is brought to the surface, in hopes that the creature can adjust. Another scientific team, from the Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, has developed a capture device known as the PERISCOP that maintains water pressure as it surfaces, keeping the samples in a pressurized environment during the ascent. This allows for close study on the surface without disturbances in pressure to the sample.

DSV Alvin.

Kaszanyi, Posted. "Huge thriving ecosystem from bottom of the ocean." Blue Line. n.p., n.d. Web. 10 May 2012.
The animals at the bottom of the ocean vary. They don't resemble the animals at the oceans peak very well.  Many people know that as you progressively get deeper and deeper in the ocean the pressure begins to build up on your body. Most of the animals also have to deal with the pressure. The pressure they carry around is equivalent to 50 jumbo jets stacked on top of each other. Although, they have to deal with these enormous amounts they still thrive at the abyss, according to scientists who have pulled a plug of dirt from the sea floor. Scientists have studied the ocean floor for over decades. They have come to the conclusion that the deepest point in all of the oceans is the Mariana Trench, which lies in the Pacific Ocean. It is located just east of the fourteen Mariana Islands (11"21' North latitude and 142" 12' East longitude ) very close to Japan. It was created by ocean-to-ocean subduction, a phenomena in which a plate topped by oceanic crust is subducted beneath another plate topped by oceanic crust.
These are a few animals that are living quite well on the oceans depths.

Mariana T
The Mariana Trench is a very vast thing studied by marine biologists. It reaches around 10,916 meters. Down in the depths of the ocean, there is no possible way for plants to grow.  One of the largest ecosystems lives at the ocean’s crust, which is vastly unknown. More than 60% percent of the world is covered by water, more than a mile deep. Also, the sea is the largest habitat on Earth and largely unexplored. The term deep sea creature refers to organisms that live below the photic zone of the ocean. Most of the time the animals have to deal with different atmospheres, and live in between 3 and 10 degrees Celsius, or 37 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit.


The ocean floor, as you can see, starts out very flat ad then gradually gets deeper. Before you know it, your at the biggest drop off ever.
Their lives are difficult. The animals must wait for food objects to fall from the life that once lived above them. A dead whale could last the animals and their families a few years. They also get food from reefs, an few other sources that they have down in the dark depths of the ocean. The very populous seafloor was first discovered by Jacques Piccard and Don Walsh in the Trieste bathyscaphe in 1960. They also discovered that their are many vast mountain ranges that inhabit some of the weirdest creatures you will ever experience.